Harvest Monday, March 12, 2012

In my March 5, 2012 Harvest Monday posting I talked about taking care of cutworms, not realizing there are many who have no idea what a cutworm is.

Here is a link to help: http://www.uri.edu/ce/factsheets/sheets/cutworms.html

This year I am growing more varieties of vegetables but fewer plants of each due to limited garden space. I am also starting some of the seeds in paper cups. This enables me to write the date and name of each variety on the paper cup and hopefully help me keep better track of the seedlings (I am very good at getting the plastic labels mixed up).

Bumped up the mesclum, seeds were sown on February 10. Unfortunately there appear to be only 2 varieties of lettuce so I will be sowing some other varieties this week.

A friend gave me three (3) bunches of scallions. Put some into the freezer for later use and planted the ones with lots of roots. They are growing well and appear happy on my windowsill. Now when I need just a bit of scallion for garnish, I can snip a few blades, if I need a whole scallion I pull one out since they are planted pretty close together.
Started Chinese eggplants (Ping Tung) and leeks (blue solaise).

Also started angled luffa, white and green bittermelons, Brussels sprouts (Long Island improved), Shanghai bok choy and napa (spring green).

I soaked the angled luffa seeds and bittermelons seeds overnight. Planted each seed with the pointy end down.

Copyright © by Norma Chang

Visit Daphne’s Dandelions http://daphnesdandelions.blogspot.com/ for more Harvest Mondays

About Norma Chang

I am the author/publisher of 2 user-friendly Chinese cookbooks: "My Students' Favorite Chinese Recipes (updated edition)" and "Wokking Your Way to Low Fat Cooking" A gardener who enjoys cooking and eating and loves to think outside the box A garden volunteer at Locust Grove Heritage Vegetable Garden Conduct hands-on cooking workshops for teenagers Conduct cultural programs for children and family Conduct healthy cooking classes for adults
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52 Responses to Harvest Monday, March 12, 2012

  1. Always lovely to read that you’re growing new types of Chinese veggies 🙂

  2. Liz says:

    I like the idea of replanting the scallions so you can snip at them regularly. I will have to do this myself.

    • Norma Chang says:

      Hello Liz,
      It really is convenient especailly during the winter months when all I need is a bit for garnish. If there is any left in the container, I will plant them in the ground.

  3. ChgoJohn says:

    Things are looking good, Norma. You may not have a large garden but you’ve planted a wonderful variety. Just yesterday I planted a few seeds but since I’m restricted to containers, I only started tomato plants and a couple of jalapeños. it’s not much but they’ll do. 🙂

    • Norma Chang says:

      Hello John,
      Tomatoes and jalapeños that’s a good combo. Still more seeds to start indoors and more to direct sow. This is such an exciting time of the year.

  4. kitsapfg says:

    Lots of seed starting going on at your place. There is nothing quite so hopeful feeling as the promise of seedlings about to (or starting) to emerge.

    • Norma Chang says:

      Hello Kitsapfg,
      Yes, this is such a wonderful time of the year. Observing the seedlings sprouting, bumping them up to bigger homes. Going to be in the 60’s today and I am so tempted to direct sow some seeds but know I must wait.

  5. Kristy says:

    I enjoy vicariously gardening through you. 🙂

    • Norma Chang says:

      Hello Kristy,
      I do enjoy gardening, frequently getting carried away overdoing things and pay for the excess for the next few days also forgetting that there are other chores to get done, what a life!!!!!

  6. Wilderness says:

    Your seedlings are looking great. Love those green onions.

    • Norma Chang says:

      Hello Wilderness,
      I have been using those green onions, most of the time I just snip the green part and leave the remainder to send out new shoos, they grow really fast. Any leftover will go into the garden when the weather is approprite.

  7. I am planting a new napa cabbage this season to try. It is a small variety and doesn’t need a lot of space. Have you seen my Gardening notes page? I will be adding more photos later today. Thanks for sharing, I love reading your blog!

    • Norma Chang says:

      Hello Marina,
      I am trying out a few new small varieties myself, haven’t started the seeds yet, most likely will be for fall planting. No I haven’t seen your gardening notes page, am heading over there right now.

  8. Kim says:

    It must be Spring!

  9. I for one, am hoping I never encounter a cut worm…

  10. maryhysong says:

    love all your goodies and thanks for the info about Sandhill; I think I’ll try grocery store sprouts this year and if they do well then I’ll spend money for slips next year.

  11. Rick says:

    Your starts look fantastic. I too have problems with plastic markers so I started adding a piece of masking tape to all my seedling pots, that way I can just write on the tape and pull it off for the next batch!

  12. Joanne says:

    I love all the little goodies you have here! Inspires me to grow my own stuff too.

  13. Sophie says:

    You are growing your seeds well. I am starting sowing my seeds a bit later in the season.
    Thanks for this lovely post! 🙂

  14. Juliana says:

    So cool using paper cup…I will try this next time, indeed great to avoid mix. I look forward to more tips Norma.
    Thanks again for the post and hope you have a wonderful week ahead 🙂

  15. Norma I use a lot of scallions I should do this! Do they need a lot of sun? My kitchen window is Eastern but there is a shade cover above so the light is pretty low. Thanks!

    • Norma Chang says:

      Hello Alyssa,
      Mine is sitting on an east facing window. To compensate for low light you can try putting the container under your flourescent light (or near) when they are on and see if that will work, nothing to lose but something to gain for trying.

  16. Purely.. Kay says:

    Just look at everything.. it just looks amazing. You are such an inspiration for us who don’t have green thumbs.

  17. That’s very smart to start the plantings in small paper cups! You definitely have a greener thumb than I!

    • Norma Chang says:

      Hello Eva,
      I don’t know about a greener thumb, I am sure your plants are doing just great.

      • The bulbs I planted last year are just starting to poke their heads out of the half frozen earth, Norma. My lilacs have huge blooms starting and the Flowering Crab Apple Tree (ornamental) is starting to look like it’s warming up. I saw the forsythia on Sunday when we took a walk through the back 80 (inches that is!) and it’s just about ready to call me to bring in a few branches for some spring colour! This time of year is so exciting, a real re-birth. Sadly, I can take little credit…just some TLC in minor amounts. Our garden is what you would call untamed, but I do love it. I’ll try to post some pics when things are looking less forlorn, hopefully soon!

      • Norma Chang says:

        Hello Eva,
        Your garden sounds gorgeous. You do everything so well, I am sure your garden is “planned” natural which is not easy to pull off.
        The only spring bulbs I will have blooming are daffodils. Took a walk around the property and discovered the deer ate all the grape hyancinths, most of the minature irises, destroyed most of the red azealeas, a few of the red rhododendrons, ate the lilac buds …… very upsetting.
        I will admire your pics when you post them.

  18. Jody says:

    Things are definitely coming along at your place.

  19. Great tip on the scallions Norma — as usual, thanks for sharing!

  20. Your seedlings are looking really good!


  21. hotlyspiced says:

    Those little seedlings look like they’re off to a great start. I really must be more like you and learn to grow some vegetables. At the moment all I have is a few herbs.

  22. Joanne says:

    Wow! So much variety…it sounds like you’re going to have a fabulous garden!

  23. Angie says:

    simply incredible Norma!!!

  24. You’ve been so good and diligent with your seedlings and seed starts. I am way behind!

    • Norma Chang says:

      Hello B & B,
      I am trying very hard this year. I think writing a blog helps, it provides the discipline I lack. My self-imposed deadline is to post gardening blogs on Mondays and cooking blogs on Fridays, and so far I am doing OK.

  25. leduesorelle says:

    Wonderful variety and great idea to use paper cups that can be individually labeled!

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