Harvest Monday, August 7, 2017 – Garlic Failure + Floating Row Cover + Harvests

In ground garlic crop failed, well, not completely.

There are 2 reasons why my garlic plants growing in the garden were near total failure.

Reason No. 1: Location
I failed to take into consideration the shade from my neighbor’s trees when they are fully leafed out (resulting in only about 3 hours of sun daily for the garlic bed). So even though all the garlic plants were robust in early spring before the trees had leaves and the area got plenty of sun and I harvested garlic scapes, lacking adequate sun during the critical bulb forming period resulted in small bulbs.

Reason No. 2: Timing
Should have dug in the garlic before I went out of town, but was busy and figured a few days would not harm the bulbs. Well, it poured while I was away, the garlic bed got a very good soaking and a number of the garlic bulbs split.

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All 3 heads of garlic in the above photo are of the same variety. The garlic on the left was grown in a container in full sun. Garlic in the middle and on the right were grown in the garden with about 3 hours of sun daily.

Most of the garlic dug from the garden will not keep so I will, ASAP, peel, roast and freeze the cloves for future use.

Click here and scroll down to learn the “Best Method to Peel (large quantity of) Garlic”.

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Mary N, marysveggiegarden, grows the most beautiful and perfect head of Napa Cabbage under floating row cover. So when I transplanted my Minuet Napa Cabbage seedlings I decided to follow her suggestion. Hope I get the same results Mary.

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Minuet Napa Cabbage growing under floating row cover

Before transplanting, I examined each seedling leaf to make sure there are no bugs and no bug’s eggs. Sure hope I did not miss any eggs. Hard to see, but if you peer closely you can see some green under the cover.

Yesterday was a perfect gardening day, the first thing I did when I entered the garden was to lift the row cover to check on the napa plants and top dress each with organic granular fertilizer. All growing well and looking healthy, so guess I did not miss any bug’s eggs.

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Window box Tri-color Amaranth sure grew a lot since last week. What a difference a week makes!

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Tri-color Amaranth growing in window box

I cut each plant about 1½” from soil level leaving a stem that will produce side shoots.

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Window box grown Tri-color Amaranth

I then top dressed plants with organic granular fertilizer and watered well.

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Tri-color Amaraanth Growing in Window Box

In just a few days, each stem sprouted many side shoots. I can see harvesting again soon.

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Back on the menu, homegrown lettuce. What a treat!

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Window box grown Lettuces

Harvested the outer leaves of each plant from the window box, then top dressed plants with organic granular fertilizer and watered well.

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Lettuces, left to right: Forellenschluss, Oak Leaf & Red Sail

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Peppermint Swiss Chard from the garden.

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Peppermint Swiss Chard

Peppermint Swiss Chard doing exceptionally well this year.

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The Semi-heading Mustard in the photo below is a volunteer.

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Semi-heading Mustard

Actually there were quite a few volunteer mustard plants growing in the garden, unfortunately they were showing signs of bolting, so I pulled all.

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Cut mustard, stems and leaves, into bite-sized pieced and stir-fried in ginger and garlic infused oil.

I was told to always add ginger when preparing mustard, something to do with yin and yang which I do not fully understand.

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Yesterday afternoon my door bell rang, my friends Phyll and Tom were returning from soonsorchard (click on link to learn what this amazing orchard offers) and was at my door steps with a bushel of apples, tree- ripened peaches and freshly picked corn.

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The box of mixed variety apples will make the best tasting apple sauce, apple butter and apple leather. Of course, many will be set aside to enjoy as is.

Check out the size of the corn and the peaches in the photo below.

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The peach on the left is a yellow flesh peach, the one on the right is a white flesh peach. Both were juicy and delicious.

I steamed the corn and enjoyed with a pat of butter, sooooo sweet.

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Three of my (?) Bunnies nibbling and having a good time in the backyard.

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They are getting fat.

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Photos were taken through glass so are not clear.

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Copyright © by Norma Chang. All Rights Reserved. Do not use/repost any photos and/or articles without permission.

Do visit Dave at Our Happy Acres for more Harvest Monday


About Norma Chang

I am the author/publisher of 2 user-friendly Chinese cookbooks: "My Students' Favorite Chinese Recipes (updated edition)" and "Wokking Your Way to Low Fat Cooking" A gardener who enjoys cooking and eating and loves to think outside the box A garden volunteer at Locust Grove Heritage Vegetable Garden Conduct hands-on cooking workshops for teenagers Conduct cultural programs for children and family Conduct healthy cooking classes for adults
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22 Responses to Harvest Monday, August 7, 2017 – Garlic Failure + Floating Row Cover + Harvests

  1. Lea says:

    Beautiful green leafy lettuces! Wonderful gifts from your friends! Have a great week!

  2. Phyllis Smith says:

    Thanks Norma for cabbage and beautiful, tasty Swiss chard! Always fun shopping at your farm!

  3. As garlic matures the cloves tend to split apart. That happens even in dry years. I leave the scapes on a couple so I can collect the bulbils and I leave those plants in the ground longer. Even last year, when it was so dry, the cloves were separating. We use those first.

    The amaranth is beautiful.

  4. Susie says:

    Beautiful pics of the amaranth! And ooh, those bunnies do look rather large, they must be enjoying your garden!

    • Norma Chang says:

      Hello Susie,
      I elevated my containers so the bunnies can no longer get to the veggies, now they are feasting on my flowers, yes they are surely enjoying my garden.

  5. Angie@Angie's Recipes says:

    I have never had any luck with garlic..I meant I got some garlic greens, but never saw some garlic cloves…I love those beautiful amaranth.

  6. The amaranth is so pretty! Bugs ate it when I tried to grow it. Too bad about the garlic though. It’s great the containers grown ones did so well.

    • Norma Chang says:

      Hello Dave,
      Perhaps you could try growing amaranth under floating row cover. I am trying it for the first time this year to keep bugs away from my napa and broccoli.

  7. Sue Garrett says:

    The amaranth is very pretty. We have given up on growing garlic as it didn’t seem to do well for us.

    • Norma Chang says:

      Hello Sue,
      According to Cornell University Vegetables Growing Guide, garlic prefer acidic soil. Perhaps you could try adding peat moss to the area you are planting garlic to see if this will bring you good harvest.
      On the right hand side of my blog under “Blogroll” the link to Cornell University Gardening Resources will take you to the Vegetables Growing Guide. I find it very useful.

  8. Your amaranth and greens are looking so pretty and your bunnies so fat and glossy! I’ve been absent this summer, but am glad to see your garden doing well…except for the garlic. 🙂

    • Norma Chang says:

      Hello Betsy,
      Hope your absent was due to busy with work and all is well. My garlic in the 2 containers did well and I will be saving them for next season planting, all is not lost. Hoping to get to the garlic festival in October for additional varieties.

  9. Sophie says:

    A decent harvest. I love this reed amaranth leaves! Waw! I never head success with growing garlic! 😦

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