Harvest Monday, January 14, 2013 – Rooting Ginger Rhizome

Last Harvest Monday1/7/13I mentioned that I will start rooting my ginger rhizomes for growing in the garden mid-February/early-March for transplanting early June when the soil is warm. After doing some research I decided to start rooting my ginger rhizomes now due to our short growing season (ginger needs 10 – 12 months to mature).

DSC04739weblarge copyPurchased 2 different varieties of ginger from the health food store and divided them into smaller sections, making sure there are 2 or more eyes on each section (the light color bumps).  The sections on the left are from ginger with thicker (fatter) rhizome than the sections on the right.

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Place each section in a 4-inch pot filled with potting mix
(click on photo to enlarge)

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Covered each section with about ½ inch of potting mix
Dated, labeled and watered well
Placed in front of a sunny window awaiting the eyes to break through the soil surface.

Will keep you updated.

…   …   …   …   …   …   …   …   …   …   …   …   …   …   …   …   …   …   …   …   …   …   …   …  …   …

Copyright © by Norma Chang. All Rights Reserved. Do not use/repost any photos and/or articles without permission.

Visit Daphne’s Dandelions http://daphnesdandelions.blogspot.com/ for more Harvest Mondays

About Norma Chang

I am the author/publisher of 2 user-friendly Chinese cookbooks: "My Students' Favorite Chinese Recipes (updated edition)" and "Wokking Your Way to Low Fat Cooking" A gardener who enjoys cooking and eating and loves to think outside the box A garden volunteer at Locust Grove Heritage Vegetable Garden Conduct hands-on cooking workshops for teenagers Conduct cultural programs for children and family Conduct healthy cooking classes for adults
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61 Responses to Harvest Monday, January 14, 2013 – Rooting Ginger Rhizome

  1. Daphne says:

    Good luck! I keep thinking about doing this myself. I figure it wouldn’t have a huge chance of success for me in a pot as I’d just forget to water, but in the ground I couldn’t bring it inside when it started to get cold.

  2. Oh how very exciting Norma. I am looking forward to your update on your ginger.
    🙂 Mandy

  3. kitsapfg says:

    I just left my ginger root planted in the container they grew in last year and am hoping they take off and give me more and better growth in this second full year of growing. I need to add some compost and fertilizer to the pot later this spring. Last year was my first attempt at growing ginger. Not sure it is suitable for my climate but I thought it was worth trying.

  4. That must be fun and exciting!

  5. I hope this is the beginning of a bumper crop for you, Norma! Happy Monday!

  6. Don’t worry, ginger will root easily if it’s not too old, I had small plants many times but they don’t survive the winter so I give up.

  7. Wow, I didn’t realize Ginger was (potentially) that easy to start. I was reading a book last week at the library and thought of you – have you seen “Grow, Cook, Eat” yet? I think you would enjoy it!

  8. That sounds awesome my friend, good luck in your ginger endeavour!

    Choc Chip Uru

  9. Goodness you’re going to have a lot of ginger, Norma! Hope it all grows well for you! 🙂

  10. Patsy says:

    I will be watching this experiment with interest! I’d love to be able to grow my own ginger! Good luck with it!

  11. Lisa says:

    I, too, will be interested to read how this works out.

  12. Hotly Spiced says:

    How exciting. I can’t wait to see how this works out and how long it will be before you have your harvest. Looking forward to updates as I’ve never grown ginger xx

    • Norma Chang says:

      Hello Charlie,
      Ginger is easy to grow but requires a long growing season. You could probably grow it successfully where you are as you have a much longer growing season than I do.

  13. ChgoJohn says:

    Is there anyone more optimistic than a gardener in the process of planting something?
    Good for you, Norma! I can’t wait to read your progress reports.

    • Norma Chang says:

      Hello John,
      Gardeners are the most optimistic bunch. When reading gardeners blogs, notice when a crop fails, the phrase: “next year will be better” always follows.
      Will surely be posting progress reports.

  14. Eha says:

    [Laughing in ‘answer’ to Chicago John: no, definitely not – what would get planted otherwise?] Norma, we are mid-summer, but with a growing season another four months – am beginning with a few this coming weekend: and we’ll see where we go! Thanks heaps for all the tips!!!!!!

    • Norma Chang says:

      Hello Eha,
      Read Maureen comment, are you in the same growing zone as she is? Your ginger rhizomes may sprout faster than mine. It is winter here and the days are shorter.

      • Eha says:

        Well, not quite 🙂 ! Maureen is about 1000 Km N, coastal v my highlands and 1-2 growing zones warmer, but since my max minimum in winter is – 2-3 C, the difference is not unsurmountable 😉 !

  15. I found a “sprouter” from a piece of ginger that had gotten behind the mixer (don’t ask how that happened, I have no idea) but I popped it into a pot and it’s huge! The area I live in is the world’s largest commercial ginger growing region and mine is growing like a weed. I have to figure out what to do with it now. 🙂

  16. Juliana says:

    Since I cannot “fight” the squirrels, I will be content in seeing your ginger rhizomes grow…
    Have a great week Norma 🙂

  17. Mac says:

    Maybe I should try rooting the ginger instead of letting them sprout then plant later.

  18. cocomino says:

    That’s a good start I also tried it before and I gatherers gingers a lot 🙂

  19. Michelle says:

    That looks like a fun experiment, best of luck for success!

  20. Liz says:

    I do grow ginger but I find it takes interminably long to shoot. I have some that overwintered in pots in my garden that is only now making its appearance (and we are halfway through summer….)

  21. Kristy says:

    Looking forward to the results of this one. I’m fascinated by growing ginger!

  22. Eva Taylor says:

    Very cool Norma, looking forward to seeing how these work out.

  23. Sophie33 says:

    Thanks for this useful post. I was just thinking how to grow them right! thanks!

  24. I didn’t know this could be done, Norma. I’m looking forward to watching these grow! xx

  25. Hi Norma, I love all your gardening posts, and even though I don’t have my own garden this year, I still have a huge interest in it (for the future references: I hope to have a garden next year). Thanks for this detailed post and looking forward to see how ginger is growing. 🙂

  26. Edith C says:

    Hi Norma, chanced upon your blog while surfing. I newly acquired a planter box and tried my hand at ginger. Now the plant is growing to about a metre tall, I am not sure when I can harvest my ginger.

    • Norma Chang says:

      Hello Edith,
      Thanks for visiting. How long have your ginger been growing? It does take a number of months for the original piece to grow new rhizome. If you live in warmer climate than I do, your ginger may grow faster. Dig around the base of the plant and see if there is any new growth, if good size you could cut off a piece and leave the remainder to continue to grow. Would love to hear about your experience.

      • Edith C says:

        Wow a few months, okay I shall wait patiently for it to grow. I live in SIngapore so it is tropical sun for the ginger. 🙂

        Let’s hope it won’t die under my hands. Since it is the wet season here, some already cannot make it.


      • Norma Chang says:

        Hello Edith,
        In singapore I imagine you can grow ginger year round.

  27. Karen says:

    Good luck on the ginger project…it will be interesting to follow the progress.

  28. sky says:

    new at trying ginger, so please instruct me-if you wouldn’t mind what to do with my pieces of ginger that have a shoot coming out of them already. do i put them in water to root-or plant them up? ( they would have to stay in pot indoors if so, as it’s still winter in Wales) & if potting up do i leave the green shoots sticking above soil level ? thank you for any help you can offer.. sky

    • Norma Chang says:

      Hello Sky,
      Pot up the ginger with the green shoot sticking above soil level. Keep it in a sunny locaton indoor, plant out when ground is warm. I plant mine in the ground early June.

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